Truly Chlorine-Free Pool Care

Truly Chlorine-Free Pool Care

Chlorine pool care has a bad reputation. Common misconceptions are that it turns your hair green, makes your eyes burn, bleaches your swimsuits, and is all-around a pain. There can be some truth to these claims, but if the chlorine is managed properly it shouldn’t be a problem. See our YouTube channel about proper chlorine pool care here.

So, what if you want to completely eliminate chlorine? Is it possible? It is definitely possible. The only chlorine free pool system that is EPA registered to be safe for your swimmers is Baquacil. This chlorine free system is so gentle it will prevent burning eyes, dry skin and hair, bleaching of liners and swimsuits, and have your pool looking beautiful.

Baquacil has many benefits that chlorine does not. Clearly, we talked about the gentleness of the water when Baquacil is used. Here a few other key benefits to Baquacil:

  • Ease of use- Baquacil’s maintenance products are all liquid which means no pre-dissolving or brushing up undissolved product. Although it is still important to brush when adding any weekly maintenance products.
  • It does not burn off from heat or the sun like chlorine does. This means you only use up sanitizer when the pool is used or contaminants are introduced to the water. Baquacil users do tend to use up more sanitizer when it is hot, but that is because when the weather is warm we use our pools more. As you should!
  • Your liner lasts longer. If you have a liner you know how disheartening it is to see your investment fade. Baquacil will not fade your liner like chlorine. Its gentle nature prevents this from happening, but water balance is still important to prevent liner damage from low pH and alkalinity.
  • Baquacil has a larger range of effectiveness when water balance is concerned. This means while you still need to bring your water in once per month to balance you likely will need less balancing products.

How do you switch? The switch from chlorine to Baquacil is painless, but it does require some communication with our retail team. We make a plan specific to your pool and your water situation. The best time to switch is in the Spring or early Summer. We will likely have you clear the pool with traditional chlorine, but work with us on getting the chlorine completely removed. We then can confidently add the Baquacil products and get you and your family swimming right away!

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