Fantasy Spas

If you are dreaming of relaxing in your backyard in a warm soothing hot tub, but you’re not ready to make a permanent investment for your current home, a Fantasy Hot Tub is the perfect option.
Although small in layout, a plug-n-play fits perfectly in tight spaces without sacrificing quality. They may not have all the standard features or luxuries you may experience in a permanent hot tub; you will experience a warm bath under the stars of pure relaxation.
Here are a few tips when shopping for that perfect portable hot tub.
Control Panel
Some portables spas will require getting out of the hot tub to access the control panel, so make sure it’s accessible from within the unit. Otherwise, you may be getting out every time you want to turn the heat on and off.
When investing in a hot tub, most bathers will prefer the temperature between 100°F and 102°F; therefore, make sure your new spa can do that.
Try to keep your hot tub covered when not in used to ensure the water stays warm or your pump will have to work twice as hard.
Some portables hot tub can take up to 12-24 hours before the water will be ready for your first hot tub experience.
Most new spas will not go beyond 104°F for safety purposes. For more safety recommendations regarding heat strokes and accidental drownings check with the Consumer Product Safety Commissions (CPSC).
One of the most indispensable and hardest working components of your portable hot tub will be the pump and set up. These low-cost, energy-efficient portable machines keep the temperature high and the electric bill low.
It’s not uncommon for the heater and pump to be housed in the same container. Thus, not exposing the electrical components to water.
Since portables usually have a 120-volt cord, they will be able to plug into most indoor or outdoor outlets. You may experience a power draw; therefore, you may want to make sure your spa is the only thing assigned to the breaker. Otherwise, you may be getting out to flip the switch while hot tubbing.
If you’re looking for a portable hot tub, we have good news – DesRochers Backyard Pools and Spas is here to help you. Give us a call or stop by our local shop.