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The Benefit$ of knowing all of the Benefits of our Products!

The Benefit$ of knowing all of the Benefits of our Products!

By Tracy Lawrence Having a monthly water test not only keeps your pool healthy, your swimmers comfortable, and your equipment protected, it can actually  prevent the purchase of unnecessary products! I see that look on your face.  Don’t think I don’t know what you’re thinking.  You’re thinking that whenever you come see us, you end Read More

So THAT’S why Birds Sing!

By Tracy Lawrence In my effort to discover everything I can about the world in my backyard from my spa, I set an alarm and woke up very early to find out what happens BEFORE a long day at work instead of my usual after work soak. The first win was immediate: Sure, I had Read More

Fairy Tale-kalinity

By Tracy Lawrence Once upon a time in a land not so far away, a defiant child named pH was born, and a new mother dreamed of the great things her sweet baby would accomplish. Time passed and it became apparent that young pH was an easily influenced child.  Naturally, this gave pH’s mom cause Read More


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