The Benefit$ of knowing all of the Benefits of our Products!
Two Birds, One Chemical

By Tracy Lawrence
Having a monthly water test not only keeps your pool healthy, your swimmers comfortable, and your equipment protected, it can actually prevent the purchase of unnecessary products!
I see that look on your face. Don’t think I don’t know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking that whenever you come see us, you end up buying things for your pool that you could have gone without, right?
We know that some of our customers feel that way. And you may be right in that you wouldn’t have bought those things without a water test. But ponder this, would your pools stay healthy? Would your swimmers remain comfortable? Could you be damaging your equipment? Mull that over in your mind. And add this to the list: could you be buying more products than you need IF you hadn’t come in for that water test?
Now there is something to consider. Hear me out.
The staff at BYP has been thoroughly trained in all of the chemicals we carry in our stores – like, over the top training in how they work and what they do, and here’s the big part, things the packages don’t even say. Some of those products, while doing what they do, may do other things to your water that you didn’t know about. This adds up to us selling you ONE product to fix, help, prevent TWO problems. It’s your classic “two birds one stone” for you pool! If your pool needs stabilizer, we may recommend a product that shocks and stabilizes all in one. Or, if you need to adjust your pH, we may recommend a product that could increase your pH, is not an algaecide, but prevents algae from growing in your water all summer long.
Your pool is something to be proud of. Our goal at BYP is to take your pool to an entirely new level. We want your guests to ask you, “How in the world do you get your pool so darn clean!?” And you can say, “We have people for that!” And we would appreciate you letting them know about us!
When your pool looks amazing, so do we. Now get out there and enjoy that healthy pool!